40 years’ experience in the banking, business and property industry

Fast, flexible loan products

Working with brokers, accountants, financial planners, lawyers and their clients

Who Do We Work With

Marway Capital was created for the benefit of finanical professionals and their clients.  These include:

Busienss man reading documents in a cafe


Financial Planners





All Businesses


Assisting When Others Won’t

Our Goal

Our mission is to assist clients when the banks won’t. We will supply you with fast, flexible and professional service without all of the red tape and hoops to jump through.

Why You Should Work with Marway Capital

What Makes Marway Capital Different?

Personalised service

At the heart of our approach lies a dedication to personalized service, ensuring that each client receives bespoke financial solutions tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.

Quick Transition

Efficiently transitioning from the application stage to settlement, we streamline processes to ensure swift and seamless progress towards achieving your financial goals.

Competitive Pricing

We pride ourselves on offering competitive pricing on our diverse range of loan products, ensuring that our clients have access to cost-effective financing solutions tailored to their specific requirements.